

Here's a trick for you. It'll drive everyone in the office nuts... actually, it'll drive the people who aren't laughing with you nuts.

Hit the "speaker" button on your phone. Then press "page." Don't touch anything. It's like having a hot mic. The screeching will fill the office air. And the yelling STOP THAT! will quickly follow.

I did this again today. It's Friday. It's something I normally do in response to stupidity. But on this day, I was forbidden to ever do it again. So in my haste, I encourage everyone to follow in these footsteps. Let's see if we can't blow the whole corporate phone system to hell.

Because I got yelled at, I'm going to take a break for a while. But when I return. When I bring the act back. The feedback on the phone system will make heads spin. And I can't wait to do it again.

What's the worst thing that happens? I might be asking one of you for a job.

Happy Screeching.


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